- read 100 books
- bike ride 1000 miles
- go see Carlie in Spokane, WA
- see "Hair" in NYC
- continue cooking conquest with new crock pot
- write more poetry
- write to my representative weekly
- write to the president monthly
- exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day
- go to Stratford for some Shakespeare
- go to northern NY state for summer camping
- start a novel
- testify in court
- win at life
Dude. My goals pale in comparison to yours.
You go girl!
Dude, 100 books is 2 books a week, a book every 3 or so days, they'd be short books.
Ha ha, yes, that 100 book one is a little bit much. I picked up that goal from a fellow librarian, one that obviously reads faster than myself.
Hmmmm, looking at the list, I'm not doing so great on my resolutions...I'm so lame!
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