
Podcast: Author Sharon Kedar talks about personal finance

My former boss introduced me to the podcast that the Commonwealth Club of California puts out. In general, the podcasts are all pretty freaking great, but the other day while toiling with laundry, I had the pleasure of hearing author Sharon Kedar talk about personal finance. Please, if you aren't a personal finance guru, check this podcast out. It's very informative and I guarantee you'll learn something important.

The podcast is partly about the book co-authored by Manisha Thakor called On My Own Two Feet: A Modern Girl's Guide to Personal Finance. The book sounds great and I am definitely going to check it out, but the podcast provides solid advice for men and women alike. The moderator, Cathy Curtis, also adds tons of valuable insight through asking great questions and sparking interesting conversation. This is a particularly great personal finance podcast to listen to if you are in your 20s or 30s.

Listen to the podcast at: cc_20090608_inforum_kedar.mp3

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