The old adage you are what you eat is taking on a new meaning for me. For example, I love beef, but cows have to be fed plenty of grain (not good for world food shortage) just so they can get fattened up, slaughtered and then shipped to Slows BBQ for my eating pleasure (all of which requires energy and creates emissions).
Speaking of emissions, those from the trucks and cars aren't the only problem. Cows also have multiple stomachs, making them burp and fart methane, a greenhouse gas. I don't want to be a multi-stomach gas machine (not all the time, anyway), so I have been expanding my eating horizons to stuff that grows as a plant. Don't get me wrong, I haven't given up on eating critters, but I'm trying to cut back, for their sake and mine.
For this blog, I pulled together some information on superfoods. I have heard time and time again that a nutritious diet can help prevent and/or heal the body's ailments. I intend to find out.
These two WebMD articles are great:
- 'Superfoods' Everyone Needs - discusses blueberries, fish, soy, fiber, tea and dark chocolate!
- 10 Healthy Foods Under $1 - excellent! covers apples, bananas, baby carrots, canned beans, canned tomatoes, oranges, lentils, pears, pearl barley and again, yogurt.
- Is it better to eat locally or eat differently?
- The Science of Making Great Beer - This is yet another AMAZING podcast from Science Friday. It is slightly off topic, but a good time to remind folks to drink local beer - it's good for you and the environment.
- Beans
- Blueberries
- Broccoli
- Oats
- Oranges
- Pumpkin
- Salmon
- Soy
- Spinach
- Tea (green or black)
- Tomatoes
- Walnuts
- Yogurt
I don't mean to bum you out, but it's not the cows per se, but the numbers of cows we need for everyone to enjoy that BBQ. It's all the food that needs to be produced to feed all the humans, that produces the greenhouse gases. Even vegetables contribute when grown on such massive scales just to feed us. You might as well enjoy your food while you can because our population isn't getting smaller and *any* food production on that global scale is going to throw things out of balance. I don't plan on eating cold baked beans for the rest of my life; I want some BBQ, dammit! Support that local restaurant: they provide local jobs which help support strong neighborhoods. Eat! Enjoy!
I understand that everything takes energy to produce on a massive scale, but the changes I'm talking about are not for a massive scale; they are my teenie-weenie contribution.
And Slows BBQ has single-handedly made me realize that I can never, ever give up meat for good.
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