
Year of Gratitude - Day 120 - Poem in Your Pocket Day

When one works regularly with librarians, one will find all kinds of fun things that revolve around reading, writing, poetry, etc. One of those things is "Poem in your Pocket" Day. Last year, I took a big pile of poems from Good Poems for Hard Times (yes, I had them handy), shoved them in my baseball bag and headed down to Comerica Park. I sat at the bar, waiting for my friend to phone so we could meet at the gates. When she did, I paid my tab and handed a few strangers a few poems. I had passed some out at work as well.

No one expected me to hand them a poem. Even after I said, "It's Poem in your Pocket" Day, people still looked at me bewildered. I told them to read it, enjoy it and pass it on. A coworker told me that she really liked hers and kept it posted at her desk.

Enjoy poetry!

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