
30 Days of Gratitude: Day 25 - My Bike

Sometime in 2006 I was whisked away to a bike shop, where I spent hundreds of dollars on a bike and new riding gear. Later that summer, I road about 230 miles in seven days on the Michigan Bike Tour. MC and I actually trained that year. She was responsible for that fateful day at the bike shop.

I am now on my second bike and am grateful to have a very nice ride. A good quality bike makes a huge difference. With a great bike, you CANNOT stop riding it. I was enjoying my bike so much at the end of the summer that I had to get a light because I was getting caught far from home riding in the dark. Not cool.

David Byrne from Talking Heads wrote The Bicycle Diaries. It really put into perspective how you get to learn a landscape so much more intimately when you are riding a bike versus driving in a car. The year I was reading that book was the year of my second Michigander - the one we didn't train for. Reading a book on biking didn't really do me any good.

What I really need to do this year is toughen up and get into some cold riding. I got cold weather gear for running, but never really started, but I'm sure that stuff would be great for riding, too. It has been damn cold in Michigan already though, so we'll see!

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