
Year of Gratitude - Day 188 - Mother Jones

While now I follow the publication on Facebook, I found out that:
"On July 7, 1903, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones began the "March of the Mill Children" from Philadelphia to President Theodore Roosevelt's Long Island summer home in Oyster Bay, NY, to publicize the harsh conditions of child labor and to demand a 55-hour work week. 
That's from the Zinn Education Project Facebook (which is also great).  They have this awesome bio on her on the website. I loved this part of the passage (emphasis added):
Mother Jones, honored today by the political magazine that bears her name, lived in a time when women were not allowed to vote. “You don’t need a vote to raise hell,” she said about that. “You need convictions and a voice.” She perhaps is best known for her saying, “Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living.”
This was an incredible women that lived through some pretty serious hardships, including losing four children to yellow fever and everything she owned in a fire after that. Yet, she lived. She truly lived.

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